Since 1946, CK Group has been active in two areas: business support for companies and sports well-being.
Charles Kieffer, the founder of our group, began his activities with photography and a few years later entered the field of copying to become, today, a company expert in the digital support of companies and the improvement of the work experience. Charles Kieffer’s philosophy of “a healthy mind in a healthy body” led him to open the Sportcenter in Kockelscheuer in 1980 and then 4 CK fitness across the country. His ideas gave birth to our current baseline “healthy people, healthy business“.
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The CK Charles Kieffer Group has been supporting company development in Luxembourg for more than 75 years. As a specialist in document and image processing, our primary mission is to guide you along the path to digital transformation. Our innovative printers, photocopiers and digital solutions boost your efficiency, security and speed.
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