Contact us +352 26 380 1

Contact our After-Sales Service +352 26 380 500



CK Business Center

2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 1

+352 26 380 380


2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 500

+352 26 380-350

CK Sport & Fitness

20, rte de Bettembourg
L-1899 Kockelscheuer

+352 55 22 40 100

+352 47 22 87


2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 223


Cookie policy

We would like to inform users of the website that our site uses cookies when you are browsing. The page below will explain how cookies work and how you can configure them.

1. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file containing information, which is stored on the device with which you view a website (PC, tablet, smartphone).

A cookie contains various items of information:

  • an identifier in the form of a unique number;
  • the name of the server that placed the cookie on your device;
  • the expiry date or validity period of the file;
  • information enabling us to improve your browsing experience.

There are two types of cookies:

  • session cookies, which disappear when you leave the site;
  • permanent cookies, which remain on your device until the end of their lifespan or until they are deleted manually;
  • Cookies are not spyware and do not contain viruses, and they do not enable you to be identified personally. The browser you use to view a website enables you to accept or refuse cookies (see below).

2. Why does use cookies ?

The website uses cookies in order to improve your browsing experience on the site. The site uses 3 types of cookies, the purposes of which are described below:

  • cookies belonging to
  • audience measurement cookies
  • advertising cookies

Internal cookies

Internal cookies are used by the site you visit and can only be read by the particular site.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are used by third-party organisations that provide us with different services. For example, we make use of the services of external analysts, who use the cookies on our behalf for identifying which pages of our site are visited most or least frequently. The site you visit can also include content from third-party sites such as YouTube, and these sites can use their own cookies.

Cookies belonging to

These cookies are necessary and help to make the site easy to use by enabling functions such as page navigation. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

pll_language This cookie redirects you to the language version of the site adapted to your language. 1 year
axeptio_cookies Global control cookie of the GDPR plugin. 1 year
axeptio_authorized_vendors Lists all the categories of cookies managed on this site for which you have accepted the use of cookies 1 year
nopopup This cookie is used to prevent the newsletter registration pop-up from being displayed to people who have already registered. 1 year

Audience measurement cookies

Audience measurement cookies collect information on the way in which internet users use the website (for example: number of pages viewed, connection time, pages most visited, etc.). The site uses the web analysis solution Google Analytics, a solution developed by the company Google Inc. The data collected relate to navigation on the site and your IP address, which determines your geographical location. This last item of data is anonymised immediately after identification.


_ga Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the site. 2 years
_gat Used by Google Analytics to drastically reduce the rate of queries. Session time
_gid Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the site. Session time

Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The aim is to show advertisements that are relevant and interesting for the individual user, and thus more valuable for the publishers and third-party advertisers.

PREF Used to keep statistics on the You Tube videos that the user has seen. 2 years
YSC Session time
APISID 2 years
HSID 2 years
LOGIN_INFO 2 years
GPS Session time
SID 2 years
SAPISID 2 years
SSID 2 years
s_ppv Used by Adobe Analytics to retain and retrieve the percentage of views of a page Time of the session
s_sq Used to store data about the previous link clicked by Adobe Analytics Time of the session
s_ips Logs the percentage of page views Time of the session
s_pltp Provides a page name (URL) value for use by Adobe Analytics Time of the session
s_plt Logs the load time of the previous page Time of the session
li_mc Used as a temporary cache to avoid searches on user consent in the database for the use of non-essential cookies, and used to obtain consent data from the customer in order to enforce their consent 6 months
s_tp Logs the percentage of page views Time of the session


Single sign-on for Adobe Experience Cloud 180 days
lms_ads Used to identify LinkedIn Users outside LinkedIn for advertising purposes 30 days
AnalyticsSyncHistory Used to store data about when a synchronization was performed with the cookie lms_analytics 30 days
s_tslv Used to retain and retrieve time since the last visit to Adobe Analytics 6 mois
mbox Used by Adobe Target to analyze the relevance of online content 180 days
at_check Used to determine whether a visitor has agreed to the use of cookies for Adobe Target Time of the session
bcookie Browser cookie to identify each device accessing LinkedIn in order to detect abuse on the platform 1 year
sdsc A context cookie for the connection data service, used for database routing to ensure consistency across databases during a change. Used to ensure that user-entered content is immediately available after submission to the submitting user Time of the session
lang Used to remember a user’s language setting to ensure that is displayed in the language selected by the user in their preferences. Time of the session
gpv_pn Used to retain and retrieve previously visited page in Adobe Analytics 6 months
s_cc Used to determine whether cookies are enabled for Adobe Analytics Time of the session


Indicates the start of a session for Adobe Experience Cloud Time of the session
VID An identifier associated with a visitor to a LinkedIn microsite, used to determine conversions for lead generation purposes 1 year
aam_uuid Prepares for credential synchronization for Adobe Audience Manager 30 days
liap Used by sites other than “” to indicate a member’s login status 1 year
li_gc Used to store guest users’ consent regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes 6 months
oribili_user_guid Used to count unique visits to a website 1 year
__ssid Used to prevent fraud and abuse in payment processes 10 years
fptctx2 Used to prevent abuse in payment processes for LinkedIn Time of the session
lms_analytics Used to identify LinkedIn users outside LinkedIn for analysis purposes 30 days
lidc To optimize data center selection 1 day
UserMatchHistory LinkedIn Ads ID synchronization 30 days
_gcl_au Used to measure campaign and advertising performance as well as conversion rates for Google ads on a visited site 3 moinths
dfpfpt Unique user ID to prevent abuse in payment processes for LinkedIn 2 years
SID Used to determine what a visitor is doing before converting to a LinkedIn microsite Time of the session

3. How can you manage cookies ?

You also have the option of changing your settings, accepting or refusing cookies via your web browser settings or on an advertising cookies management platform.

3.1 Managing cookies by adjusting your web browser settings

Click on the relevant link to set your browser: wishes to draw your attention to the fact that by setting your browser to refuse cookies, you might not be able to fully access certain functions on our website.

3.2 Managing advertising cookies via a platform would also like to inform you of the existence of a platform that brings together online advertising professionals, and provides internet users with a central tool for setting their browser to refuse cookies from the member companies.

Manage advertising cookies via

3.3 Managing cookies via Cookie Manager

Any changes you make to your settings might affect your online browsing and your conditions of access to certain services that require the use of cookies.

You can choose to modify your wishes in terms of cookies at any time via our module.